Academic Assessment Cycle
Academic Program Assessment Cycle
The Assessment Cycle is the established structure for identifying outcomes and measures of success, tracking those outcomes, analyzing results, and identifying and implementing necessary improvement plans.
Step 1: Determine or refine student learning outcomes (SLOs) that are specific, measurable, achievable, and relevant.
Step 2: Map student learning outcomes (SLOs) to the curriculum using a Curriculum Map. Mapping should answer the question: In which courses is each outcome introduced, reinforced, or mastered?
Step 3: Identify, develop, or revise methods to assess each outcome. Each outcome is required to have at least one direct method (i.e., work that students produce for evaluation).
Step 4: Collect and analyze data to determine if students meet the outcome achievement target set by the program. Analysis should provide context and meaning behind the data and identify strengths and weaknesses of the program.
Step 5: Develop steps/plans to improve student learning based on data and analysis.
Step 6: Evaluate the effectiveness of the implemented changes. Did student learning improve? Are there further opportunities for growth? How will the program adjust for next cycle?
Programs navigate this process throughout the academic year and submit a report detailing their findings and actions. The timeline for the reporting process is below.
Academic Program Assessment Reporting Cycle