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Student Degree Works FAQs

General Information

What is Degree Works?
DegreeWorks is a web-based, academic planning and degree audit tool. It helps students and advisors effectively navigate curriculum requirements, as well as monitor progress towards degree completion by providing: all course requirements for a degree in a particular catalog, satisfied requirements in an easy-to-read, understandable degree checklist, outstanding requirements needed to complete a particular program, degree, major, minor, and/or concentration, and a comprehensive review of all transfer, previous, current, and in-progress coursework.

Why did the university implement Degree Works?
Degree Works is a valuable tool to assist students and advisors in monitoring a student’s progress towards completion of curriculum requirements. With Degree Works, the student and advisor can track progress in a degree program and determine which courses are necessary to complete the remaining requirements. Students are less likely to take courses they do not need and more likely to stay on a direct path towards graduation. Degree Works also has robust reporting functionality to help capture important metrics that are useful for tracking progression and for planning future course offerings.

How do I access Degree Works?
To access Degree Works, navigate down to Discover More in ULink and add the Degree Works card to your dashboard. Firefox or Chrome are recommended.

Why do I not see the Degree Works logo in ULink?
Some students will not have access to Degree Works. Students following the 2016-2017 catalog and forward have access. If you are following the most recent Academic Catalog, the card will appear once that catalog year is made active in Degree Works. You will also receive an email notification confirming access.

What is an audit?
The audit is a complete review of all coursework, displaying information on which requirements are satisfied and which requirements are necessary to complete a particular program, degree, major, minor, and/or concentration.

How is the degree audit different from the official transcript?
The degree audit is a tool to assist in planning your academic career and keep track of your progress towards a degree. The transcript is the official university record. For instructions on obtaining a copy of your official transcript(s), please visit the University Registrar's Office website.

Is the Degree Works audit an official record?
The Degree Works audit is an unofficial record.

Can I register for classes in Degree Works?
No. Registration will continue to occur through the self-service portal under the Registration Tab.

Does an advisor remove an advising hold in Degree Works?
Advisors will continue to remove holds using the Student Profile located in ULink.

How current is the information in Degree Works?
Degree Works retrieves all changes made to your record (grade changes, classes added/dropped) on a nightly basis. Any changes to the student record will be visible in Degree Works the next day.

How do I ensure the audit is current?
You can always refresh the data and process a new audit. To refresh the record information, click the two arrows by “data refresh” under Worksheet. To process a new audit, click the Process button to the right of the degree percentage circle and overall GPA.


I think my audit is incorrect. What should I do?

The major/minor/concentration is incorrect or does not appear on the audit:
If you have not officially changed or declared your major/minor/concentration, you will need to do so.  Directions for updating this information can be found on the Academic Success Center website.

The requirements for the major are wrong:
Please confirm you are in the correct catalog. Your current catalog will be displayed in the degree, major, minor (if applicable), and GenEd block. If you believe you should be following a different catalog, you will need to contact your dean’s office.

Classes are not applying in the “correct” spot:
Degree Works calculates the “best fit” when fulfilling requirements. As you enroll in and complete additional coursework, the classes may shift. Please direct any questions regarding "best fit" to

The Degree Works requirements do not match my departmental checksheet:
Degree Works is programmed according to the Academic Catalog posted online.

I received an approved substitution, and it is not showing in Degree Works:
Please contact your dean’s office for an update on the approval and/or processing status of the substitution in question. If you believe any other information on your audit to be incorrect, please email for assistance.

Transfer work is missing or not evaluated:
Have you submitted current transcripts to the Admissions Office? If your transcripts were submitted, please email If any transfer work is not evaluated (for example shows as XXBA XXX or XXLA XXX), please email for assistance.

Transfer course(s) are not applying towards the audit:
For questions regarding Degree Works’ placement of transfer work, please email

Can I save a copy of my audit?
Yes. You can save a copy of the audit by clicking the printer icon located near the top right of the audit. Choose “Microsoft Print to PDF.”

What are “Overall Credits” and what are “Credits Applied”?
Overall credits are the total number of earned credits. Credits applied includes in-progress and pre-registered courses. This number reflects how many credits are applicable towards the degree.

Why is a particular course sitting in “Over the Limit”?
For questions about why Degree Works is placing a specific course in Over the Limit, please email

"What-If" and Future Courses

What is the “What-If” feature in Degree Works?
This feature allows you to see how your current coursework would hypothetically fit into a new audit if you were to change your major, concentration, minor, and/or catalog.

Why is the “What-If” feature not processing? Why are some drop-down selections not available?
The criteria selected and order of selection are critical for processing a What-If audit. Choose catalog first then degree/program. The fields remaining will automatically populate based on those two selections. Only concentrations applicable to the specified major and catalog will populate.

Does the “What-If” feature change my major?
No, it does not. An official change of major form is still required.

What does the (*) or (**) mean following a major?
The single asterisk denotes a concentration is available but not required for that particular major. The double asterisk signifies a concentration is required for that particular major.

Are "What-If" audits saved? Can I see a previously run “What-If” audit?
Yes, the last 3 historic What-If audits are saved and can be viewed under the drop-down.

What is the Future Courses feature under the What-If in Degree Works?
This feature allows you to see where planned coursework would fit in your Degree Works audit. To use the Future Courses feature, click Use Current Curriculum. Multiple sets of Subject and Number (course information) can be entered at one time.

GPA Calculator

What is the Graduation Calculator?
This calculator provides you with the average GPA needed in your remaining courses to achieve a desired GPA.

What is the Term Calculator?
This calculator provides you with a projected cumulative GPA based on anticipated grades earned in the current term. Coursework for the current term will automatically populate but can be deleted and customized.

What is the Advice Calculator?
This calculator provides you with advice on how to raise or lower your GPA using actual grades and number of credit hours.